As a homeschooler you will always be looking for free items to use in your classroom, and here are 100 Free Homeschool Resources you will love! From local to you places to look for information, to the great websites out there that offer free resources this list is an excellent comprehensive source.
100 Free Homeschool Resources
- Local public school (many districts provide curriculum)
- Curriculum Share is a great place to find items other homeschoolers have shared for free
- Homeschool Creations is a great website run by a homeschooler that loves to share free resources
- Homeschool Math is a wonderful free homeschool resource full of concepts, worksheets, reviews and more
- Your local public library
- Community college library (many will allow homeschoolers to use their library at no charge)
- Easy Peasy Homeschool has everything you need to homeschool any grade
- Khan Academy
- ABCya is full of fun interactive games that homeschoolers will love.
- ABC Mouse
- Ancient Web has copious items regarding ancient history and is great for history or geography lessons
Educents has tons of great free and paid curriculum- Teachers Pay Teachers is a great collection of teachers supplies, printables and curriculum. Many are free, but there are also many items you can purchase.
- SAT Practice site gives your kids a place to do review pages, drills and practice test for preparation for their SAT
- Free Homeschool Deals posts free printables, deals and unit studies daily.
- MOPS groups offer great activities for moms and kids in preschool ages to learn and grow before school
- Power Typing has great typing tests for practice
- National Park Service has information on all of the parks, wildlife and foliage within.
- National Geographic not only has magazine subscriptions, but a great website that allows kids to learn for free
- Discovery Education has tons of resources for science and more
- Local government seat is great for getting tours and behind the scenes information about the judicial system in your area.
- Local police department will provide materials on the dangers of drugs and alcohol
- Reading Eggs has tons of tips and lessons to help your child learn to read
- Donna Young has everything from free printables to complete unit studies on her site.
- World Atlas offers up to date maps across the world for easy to adapt geography lessons
- Robotics is a great way to get kids involved in engineering, coding and more
- Code Academy is a great resource to teach your kids all about computer programming
- Open Culture has thousands of resources for educational purpose for free
- Bartleby has thousands of free eBooks for poetry, educational resources, classics and biographies
- Ck-12 has tons of great free lesson plans and review worksheets as well as a handful of paid upgrade options
- Learner has tons of lessons on everything from language to history
- MIT even got into the game with great video lessons on a wide variety of subjects
- Google Lit Trips is a great site that allows you to follow literature on the map through the years
- Math Shack has truly unlimited problems for kids to work in various mathematics subjects like algebra, calculus and trigonometry
- Classics For Kids is a great resource for teaching music history and appreciation for free
- Local museums and galleries that have free nights or days to allow you to take your kids to observe, learn and find out more about local art as well as history.
- TedEd has tons of great educational videos on a wide variety of subjects for all ages
- Watch Know Learn has thousands of videos to watch on all subjects from mathematics to foreign language
- YouTube has thousands of educational channels with videos and lessons on everything from computer programming to biology or chemistry experiments
- Google Art Project is a phenomenal site with access to thousands of different art styles, lessons and information to learn from
- Local zoos have free events that allow you to go in and learn up close and personal about your favorite animals.
- 50 States is a huge resource of information on each individual state, their history and government procedures.
- Local veterinarian offices will often allow you to tour their kennel or shadow a vet for a day to learn more about the health of domestic pets
- Paleontology Portal has tons of information to turn into lesson plans, or simply use for extra reading for those who are interested in paleontology.
- The Parks Forestry Service has tons of information available about the growth of trees and foliage in your individual area as well across the nation
- History Matters is a great resource for older children, teens and college students
- Physics 4 Kids is a great resource for basic physics lessons
- Philosophy For Kids is a great resource to get critical thinking happening in the classroom
- Atlas Of The Universe is an amazing resource for truly visualizing the galaxy and world as we know it
- Dynamic Periodic Table is a fabulous resource for teaching about the periodic table of elements no matter the age
- Local law libraries will allow you to come in and utilize some resources to learn more about the current law and judicial system
- Grammarly has a free resource to help check spelling, grammar and word usage
- Sheppard Software has tons of lessons, printables and resources
- NASA has tons of great information available for kids to learn about the space program, engineering, rocketry and astronomy
- Try Science is an amazing resource with activities, lessons and more for all ages
- XtraMath is a great resource that has free options for math lessons, reviews and worksheets
- Cosmos 4 Kids is a great site to learn more about astronomy, our galaxy and the Cosmos in general
- Kid Zone offers great free printable math worksheets
- Arcademics is a fun video game method of teaching math concepts
- Google Maps gives you an easy to access and navigate mapping system for geography classes
- Local historical landmarks are great ways to focus on specific times in history within your state
- Local nurseries will often let you come in to learn hands on about growing various plants in your local climate
- Encyclopedia Smithsonian gives you countless resources
- State senate is a great place to observe higher power legislature in action
- Classroom Earth is a great teacher resource for helping promote Eco-friendly and aware curriculum
- PBS Teachers gives you amazing resources, printable items and even some lesson plans
- State Board of Education will often have excellent resources in office as well as online
- Homeschool has thousands of resources, articles and online magazines to browse for your classroom
- Homeschool Math is a great resource created to help homeschool kids learn math concepts with ease
- Spelling City has tons of options include a free and paid version of spelling drills and reviews
- Handwriting For Kids has hundreds of handwriting and even cursive worksheets for practice free to print
- Number Nut has tons of mathematics related games and activities
- Calculation Nation has amazing games and resources for math
- Starfall is an excellent way tot help teach your kids phonics and basic reading skills
- Handwriting Worksheets has tons of great options to create ways to help your kids with writing skills
- All About Birds is a great resource to learn about hundreds of bird species
- Kids Astronomy is an excellent free resource for astronomy lessons on a kids level
- Scratch is a great free kids programming resource developed by MIT to teach even your youngest how to make their own computer programs
- Home Educators Resource Directory is a free site that directs you to information, resources and lesson plans that are both free and paid
- Confessions Of A Homeschooler is a great site of a homeshooler that shares lesson plans, tips on organization and free homeschool resources regularly
- Ambleside Online offers a free homeschool curriculum in the Charlotte Mason method
Currclick offers weekly freebies- Unschoolers are unique in they don’t use a traditional classroom plan or curriculum and this site offers tons of information and resources
- PBS Kids has tons of great education information and games for kids
- Bible Gateway is an online Bible in all versions available for easy access in Bible classes
- Hippo Campus has tons of high school and college helps
- Lapbook Lessons is a favorite resource for free units and lapbook lessons
- Classical House Of Learning offers free classic literature guides that are perfect for high school student studies
- Local county extension groups often have free meetings that teach everything from basic gardening to crocheting or knitting
- A2Z Homeschooling has tons of excellent free resources for your classroom
- Ron Paul Curriculum has a unique free offer of liberty, social science and humanities curriculum written and approved by the former Presidential candidate
- Pearson Homeschooling offers tons of free resources for every grade level
- Local homeschool co-op groups can offer great opportunities for art, music and other elective classes for free (or cheap)
- Dad’s Worksheets has thousands of free printable math worksheets
- Daily Grammar is a great resource for language and grammar lessons
- Enchanted Learning offers some great free resources, as well as a paid upgrade
- Scholastic has thousands of free lesson plans for homeschoolers and teachers to use
- Math Drills has thousands of math worksheets to print for free
- Mrs. Perkins Dolch Words is a great place to work with your child on reading skills
- Reading Bear is a great phonics based free reading review program your kids will love using.
This list of 100 free homeschool resources will give you plenty of information to keep your kids well educated at no out of pocket cost!
Thanks Stephanie! Honored to be here!