Teaching your child to be responsible and learning simple life skills is a very important part of their homeschool curriculum. Not only so that they can help and contribute to the chores but so that they learn valuable life skills for the future. These 6 Home Economics lesson plan ideas are simple and basic enough that every child should begin learning in their early years whether they are homeschooled or not. Take these basic Home Ec lesson plan ideas and add a quick Google search and expand on the ideas with work sheets, books, or whatever else you’d like to add.
6 Home Economics Lesson Plan Ideas
Sewing- I think it is really important to at least give your child the most basic of sewing skills. Start with learning to sew on a button, practice a straight stitch by hand and on the sewing machine. If you have a sewing machine teach them how to properly thread it and clean it between professional cleanings. Give your child small projects to work on to build their skills and confidence. If sewing is not your strong point try to find another homeschooling mom who excels in this area and trade out for cooking lessons or something that you really rock at.
Cooking- Start them out in the kitchen at a very young age. Even little helping hands can learn things like kitchen safety and clean up. Put them to work scrubbing potatoes, tearing lettuce, getting ice for drinks, and measuring water and other liquids. As they get a little older and more competent they can start mixing simple recipes like pancakes, and following box recipes. Spaghetti, brownies, grilled cheese, chicken noodle/vegetable soup, and
Laundry- Most kids love to help with the laundry. Little ones can bring the dirty clothes, toss them in the washer and help transfer to the dryer. You can let them pour soap into the cup and dump it into the water. Even young children can learn to sort towels, whites, and darks or fold towels. Teaching your child how to take care of laundry and being consistent with it will give them a sense of pride in their clothes and appearance.Let them be responsible for a load a week, adding more as they grow.
Money- Teach your child to manage their allowance, birthday money, and any other money that they get. Show them how to save, tithe, and allow for some fun money as well. I like to help Mini set a goal for something that she wants to buy, we make a chart, and track her progress. Create shopping scenarios like giving them $20 and having them choose all the ingredients for a healthy dinner, sit down with them and show them how you budget your money each month for bills and expenses. When children are older I definately recommend showing them how to fill out a check and use the register even though checks many times are now obsolete.
Gardening– Growing their own food will give your child such a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. Imagine how they will feel when they place a salad in front of the family that they helped to grow, or sell their own tomatoes to the neighbors. They can be a part of the process in everything like choosing seeds, planning the garden, weeding , harvesting, and preparing them.
Pet Care– Taking care of pets is an important part of growing up. Children can help wash the pet, feed them, clean out water bowls, walk them, clean up accidents, and care for their bedding. If you have property and own chickens, cows or other small animals not only can they care for them but they can be used as a learning experience by entering them in 4-H or FFA groups.
Your child can learn Home Ec skills starting at an early age. When Mini was younger she loved to help do things around the house. Now, not so much. LOL. As she’s advanced in experience, I’ve added more challenging tasks to keep her growing and learning.
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