As hot as it has been outside I think this Ice Age Ice Sensory Activity will not only cool them down, but will keep them busy. You will want to keep an eye on them but it will give you a break from the momma, momma, momma, mooooom…..for maybe a moment or two. Read on below to see how easy it is to put this ice sensory activity together.
Ice Age Ice Sensory Activity
Ice Age figurines
8×8 baking dish
Glitter Pom-Pom balls
1. Fill a 8×8 baking dish with cold water
2. Have your kids place the Ice Age figurines in where ever they’d like
3. Now have them add in a handful of glittered Pom-Pom balls to act as the meteors they are dodging in the movie
4. Freeze for about 6 hours
5. Remove from the freezer and let sit on your counter for maybe 30 minutes so that the sides loosen up
6. Carefully turn your pan upside down outside and have your kids try to melt to break the ice to save Manny, Sid, Diego, and Scrat! with parental supervision of course!
* use large wooden spoon to break the ice so no one gets hurt
While the kids are having fun with their Ice Age Ice Sensory Activity you get to sit down with a cup of coffee ( feel free to make it an icy cup of coffee) and gather your thoughts.
More sensory posts below:
Great idea! And ironically, I’m sitting with my afternoon cup of iced coffee reading this 🙂 Thanks for sharing it with #EverythingKids. I’ll be featuring you in our linkup post this evening.