Shark Week is just about here and I am so excited for it! This Shark Sensory Bin is perfect for it. Mini’s favorite activity to do for any subject is sensory bins so it was a pretty easy choice for Shark Week. Sensory bins are fun yes but they can also be a great learning tool-it appeals to all their senses, builds fine motor skills, encourages imagination, and can be turned into math and science lessons as well! If you like the idea of a shark week sensory bin keep reading and see how we put ours together and how we use it!
Shark Sensory Bin
You will need:
a good sized bin
sharks teeth
plastic sharks
Here is how you put it together:
First of all, you can grab a lot of the items at your local Dollar Tree. I got the bin and sand there, you can also get bags of seashells -I just used what I had on hand. I also had a few sharks teeth but you can grab a bunch on Amazon as well.
If you are teaching phonics, blends and diagraphs, numbers, rhyming words or whatever use a sharpie to write them on seashells for the kids to find.
Start by pouring sand into the bottom of the bin, giving it a 1/2″ layer.
Add seashells and sharks teeth.
Place a variety of plastic sharks around.
Fill gently with water.
While you are at Dollar Tree grab a shower curtain liner and place it underneath your bin to keep the water off the floor.
There are so many ways the bin can be used!
The kids can search for sharks teeth, play with the sharks, use the shells to spell out words like shark, fin, ocean, match upper and lowercase letters, etc.
I provide shark books afterward (far away from the water) for Mini
to compare and read up on different sharks.
A shark unit study would be awesome to go along with this shark sensory bin and I just happen to know where you can find one.
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