Let the reading rumpus begin with this Where the Wild Things Are Unit Study. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak follows the adventures of Max after he is sent to room without his supper and kids love it. These unit study ideas will help you plan even more learning fun.
Not only is it entertaining, Where the Wild Things Are is also the perfect chance to teach some important lessons and practice some essential academic skills. Take a look below at three activities you can enjoy with your child, classroom, or home school group to further explore this text.
Where the Wild Things Are Unit Study
Where the Wild Things Are Unit Study K-3rd
Supplies needed:
Book, Where the Wild Things Are
Construction paper
Poster board
When completing these lessons, you can approach them in any order you please. You are also free to move at your own pace, doing one lesson a day or even one a week if you wish. Feel free to be flexible.
Before beginning any of the below activities, you want to enjoy a read aloud of this story. Take your time so that you can make frequent pauses to answer questions, make connections, or take a look at picture clues for what is happening in the story.
Activity #1
Fun with Words
Objective: Students will be able to define and understand the various vocabulary words present in the story.
Supplies needed: Construction paper, markers, poster board, book, scissors
Directions: In the story, the author uses many fun words. In this activity, you are going to focus on four words specifically. Those words are MISCHEIF, RUMPUS, TAME, and GNASH. Write each of these words on your poster board.
1. Begin by giving each child a piece of construction paper. Have them fold it once lengthwise and once widthwise so that the creases leave them with four sections. Have them copy these four words onto their paper, one word in each box.
2. Now, take a walk through the book again. Re read it if you need to keeping your eyes and ears open for these four words. Children should point out when they hear these words.
3. Now, define these words together as a group. Ask questions such as: Have you heard this word before? What do you think it means?
4. In each square, children should draw a picture of each word. For example, for gnash they may show teeth. For mischief they may show someone stealing a cookie. This will not be an easy task, so encourage children to be problem solvers and deep thinkers to come up with pictures that reflect these words.
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5. Once the illustrations are done, have the children cut the paper into four squares. Take turns placing the squares next to the matching and appropriate word on the poster board. When completed, this poster board will make an excellent reference item!
Activity #2
Reading Rumpus
Objective: Students will be able to partner read with a friend and explore the text further through music.
Supplies: Book, radio
Directions: In the story, Max and his friends enjoy a wild rumpus! In this activity, you will enjoy a reading rumpus with your child or class. Here is how:
1. Partner up students so they can enjoy partner reading with each other. When partner reading, children will take turns reading one page each at a time, or they can read each page in chorus together. Because this text is short, allow them to read this text in partner fashion up to 2 times.
2. At the conclusion of the text, the children should ask their partner three questions. Give them some examples of questions they may ask. These could include: What was your favorite scene in the book? Do you think what happened to Max was real? Have you ever gotten in trouble for making mischief before?
3. Now, it is time for the rumpus! Listen to a selection of music that varies in genre, sounds, and speed. Play 30 seconds to one minute of each song allowing children to move and dance or express emotion that matches the feel of the music. Finish by focusing on an upbeat, fun tune that children can really get wild to.
4. Conclude this activity by asking the children what they learned from their friend through exploring this text. You can also ask how the music made them feel. Do they think the wild things in the story felt this way? Allow plenty of time for talk and reflection.
Activity #3
DIY Wild Thing Crown:
Objectives: To use creativity and fine motor skills to create a crown like Max wore.
Supplies needed: Scissors, construction paper, glue
Directions: In the story, the Wild Things made Max their king. They crowned him of course, and Max wore his crown handsomely. Allow children to make their own crown to wear and allow them to dance and have a wild rumpus of their own.
1. Begin by gluing two pieces of white paper together end to end. Wrap the paper around the child’s head to ensure it will fit.
2. Cut triangles into the top of the paper to create a crown shape.
3. Cut a strip of contrasting colored paper and glue it to the bottom of the crown creating a rim.
Now, let the wild rumpus begin!
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As you can see, there are plenty of fun activities you can enjoy with this timeless book. Give some of these ideas a try!
Things that will add even more fun to your Where the Wild Things Are Unit Study
Where the Wild Things Are Plush #1
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