Kids love llama llama and he teaches so many lessons. This llama llama i love you Unit Study is a great way to use a fun book for some hands on learning.

This Llama Llama I Love You Preschool Unit Study is a great way to add in a little learning fun.
Most younger children are not ready for long periods of time sitting still with a worksheet so I love to incorporate lots of hands on learning activities. You will even find a list of supplies needed for all the activities below.
Llama LLama I Love You Unit Study
Paper Hearts
The first thing we are going to do is cut hearts from construction paper. You remember doing that don’t you? you can either trace a heart with a cookie cutter or fold the paper in half and draw a half heart along the folded crease.
Let your little one cut out the hearts for some fine motor practice, older children that are participating should be able to do it all by themselves. Now with these hearts we can…
- Write letters (or numbers on them) and use them for a memory game or pull from a basket and as each letter is pulled have your child make the sound and/or give you something that starts with that letter.
- Count the hearts and sort them by color or size.
- Make homemade Valentine’s with them.
- Make DIY Conversation hearts by writing short words or phrases on them.

Valentine’s Invitation to Create
This is one of my favorite activities to do with kids from toddler age on up through elementary. It presents a great open creative time for kids of varying ages and skill levels. All you need to do is grab a divided appetizer tray from Dollar Tree and add items of your desired theme. For this Valentine’s one I used basic supplies like crayons, scissors, glue, and colored paper as well as Valentine’s themed cookie cutters for tracing, Valentine’s stickers, and stamps and stamp pads in our theme.

Sweet Secret Messages

Send your little sweetie a sweet secret message that also makes a great art project. Draw hearts and messages with a white crayon on white paper. Give your toddler or preschooler plenty of watercolors and water and let them paint all over it to reveal your secret message ! Then let them create their own secret messages to give away.
Create a batch of these Chocolate Strawberry Cake Mix cookies as a snack to go along with your llama llama i love you Unit Study. They are the perfect way to end your Unit Study.

Supplies List:
glue sticks
Valentine’s themed stamps, stamp pads, stickers
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